Thursday, April 5, 2018

What's Going On


As promised, here is a list of fibre-related events happening in the Maritime provinces this year that I know of, but please let me know if there are more!  In date order:

April 6, 7 and 8, Maritime Fibre Arts Retreat, Atlantica Oak Island Resort & Conference CentreAs you can see this is happening tomorrow and I believe is fully booked, but keep it in mind for the future.  No website that I can find but they do have a Facebook page.

April 14, Fundy Fibre Artisans Spring Fling, Picadilly, NB.  A one day event hosted by the Fundy Fibre Arisans.

July 6 and 7, Truro Fibre Frolic, Farm Equipment Museum, Truro, NSFor more information check out the Truro Fibre Frolic Facebook page.

July 13, 14, and 15, Salty Socks Workshop, Hooked Rug Museum of North America, Hubbards, NS.  This is a cranking and machine knitting workshop/retreat sponsored by Shirley Baxter Knits.   For more information go to Shirley's website or the Salty Socks Workshop event page on Facebook.

September 28 - 29, 2018 Maritime Machine Knitters Seminar, Rodd Royalty Inn, Charlottetown, PEI.  This year's seminar is being hosted by the Island Knitters Club and Diana Sullivan is this year's demonstrator.  For more information go to Glen Valley Custom Knits website and for more information on Diana Sullivan you can visit her website and YouTube channel - links are in the sidebar of this page.

September 30, Follow the Yellow Balloons Creative Event Tour, Eastern Shore, NS.  Open studio tour of the Eastern Shore.  For more information check their website and Facebook page.  Event cancelled.

October 5 - 13, Celtic Colours International Festival, Cape Breton Island, NS.  I'm not even going to try to describe this.  Go to the website - it's an amazing festival of everything - music, dance, art and craft.

October 9 - 13, Nova Scotia Fibre Arts Festival, Amherst, NS.  Check out their web page and Facebook page for more information.

October 27,  Fibre Art Retreat, The Old School Community Gathering Place, Musquodoboit Harbour, NS.  Watch the website for more information as this event is still in the planning and organizing stages.


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